Monday 18 February 2019

#90 Make It Krafty

Hello,  we the  Design Team,
welcome you to our two weekly challenge blog.
Our thanks to those who entered our last challenge

 Challenge # 89
Red, Pink and White
Chosen by Amy,  we are thrilled and delighted
at the fabulous entries, you have inspired us.
Choosing the winners is never an easy task,
 Amy has chosen  her Top 3 to be awarded,
but first we have ......................

Editor's Choice
#12 Mamapia
I adore your ATC's in the pocket letter. 
They are all so romantic, wonderfully designed 
being delightful either as a group or as individual ATC's

Our Top 3 Winners

(In mumerical order)

#10 Carol Gill

#20 Esther

#21 Katrina Bufton

Congratulations to our winners. Please take a copy of our
Top picks Badge.

The Design Team would love for you to visit them, their
links are in the side bar.


Time to move on to our next challenge, chosen by Caz

Challenge # 90

Make It Krafty
We need to see you make a card with Kraft card,
 you can make it  in any style for any purpose. 
The choice is yours. 

Let us see the wonderful inspiration from the Design Team.









By entering these challenges you are giving your consent to your blog links 

being visible along with your name in the entries.

Thanks for supporting our challenge blog.
We look forward to returning in two weeks

with the winners and news of our next challenge.

Monday 4 February 2019

Challenge # 89 Red, Pink and White

Hello,  we the  Design Team,
welcome you to our two weekly challenge blog.
Our thanks to those who entered our last challenge

 Challenge # 88
Winter Birthday

Chosen by Sue,  we are thrilled and delighted
at the fabulous entries, you have inspired us.
Choosing the winners is never an easy task,
 Sue has chosen  her Top 3 to be awarded,
but first we have ......................

Editor's Choice
#3 Mamapias
I love your decorated CD, a fabulous fun idea. 
A wonderful, wintery, cool birthday greeting.

Our Top 3 Winners

(In mumerical order)

#5 Christine

#12 Repolainen

#13 Katrina Bufton

Congratulations to our winners. Please take a copy of our
Top picks Badge.

The Design Team would love for you to visit them, their
links are in the side bar.


Time to move on to our next challenge, chosen by Amy

Challenge # 89

Red, Pink, White
We need to see all 3 of the colours, we know it will
soon be Valentine's Day but you can make this card 
any style for any purpose, the choice is yours. 

Let us see the wonderful inspiration from the Design Team.





Donna F





By entering these challenges you are giving your consent to your blog links 

being visible along with your name in the entries.

Thanks for supporting our challenge blog.
We look forward to returning in two weeks
with the winners and news of our next challenge.