Monday 20 December 2021

#164 - Winners of #163 Announced

      We the  Design Team,

                                         welcome you to our two weekly challenge blog.

            Our thanks to those who entered our last challenge

 Challenge # 163

Gift Card Holder

Chosen by Claudia

 We were delighted with your fabulous entries, you continue to inspire us.
Choosing the winners is never an easy task,
 with so many wonderful entries.
I (Caz) have chosen our Top 3 winners
A huge thank you for your interest.

Our Top 3 Winners 

#3 Karen Finkle

#8 Myriam

#9 Nancy E

Congratulations to our winners, please take a copy 

of our Top Picks badge.

We, the design team are taking a short break to enjoy the holidays.

We wish you all a very happy Christmas/Holidays. 

We look forward to returning on January 3rd. 2022

Please stay well and safe.



  1. Thank you so much for picking my gift card holder as one of the top 3. Congrats to the others. I hope the DT members have a wonderful Christmas/holiday time off as well.

  2. I'm delighted to be chosen as one of your Top Picks. Thank you so much and congrats to the other winners. xx Nancy

  3. Thank you for chosing me in your top 3.
    I wish you happy holidays!
